Like we said before, we are a little behind in all that's happened. So, we are just going to skip to today and you can look at our 365 slideshow to see Elliot in the past few weeks. (The 365 is a picture a day for Elliot's first year...we totally stole the idea from Melissa's cousins, Phil and Heather...thanks guys!) (Oh, and we have not caught up the slideshow in a bit, so hopefully that will happen soon as well, but stay tuned.)
We had to post today because not only is it Easter, but our little girl is one month old now! So crazy! It does not even seem possible, but it is true!
Here's how Elliot spent her month mark:
Being that it is conference weekend we started out watching the morning session. After that we went over to Billy and Katie's to take some pictures. Lia and Sophie were given Easter dresses that came with a matching dress for a doll. Guess who got to be the doll? Yup!
In a rare moment Sophie wanted to hold little Tommy! Holy wow!
Cute little cousins!.JPG)
By the time we got home, (after Katie fed us a delicious breakfast, oh and she made that cute headband), Elliot was passed out. We watched a second session of conference and let her rest.
In an attempt to do some adorable picture Melissa got Elliot in the nude. Our girl just would not stop moving though, so before Melissa could even get her camera settings and lighting situation figured out Elliot had rolled off of the pillow she was on! This shot was right before the stunt. Luckily Melissa's momma bear reflexes kicked in and she caught Elliot, (ok, she would have been fine was like a whole three inches and a very subtle decline). We decided to bag Melissa's "precious" idea. (This picture is funnier than what she would have taken anyway. Much more appropriate for our family!)
After awhile we got to search for the baskets the Easter Bunny left us, (ours came in the evening...probably got tied up due to lack of sleep or something...just maybe). Each of us had a basket from that kindly little rabbit.
Elliot really did like her just took her some time to decide.
And here is our horrible attempt at doing a timer portrait. Oh least we can say we tried.
We just wanted to give a little update and wish everyone a Happy Easter! We are so grateful for the Atonement and the ressurection. Because of Jesus Christ we can be an eternal family. We hope all of you enjoyed this special day!
Billy and Katie | April 4, 2010 at 7:27 PM
I'm totally stealing those pictures... McIntosh's sure make 'em cute!
Lia really really really loves her Elliot!!! (so do we, she just tells us for an hour after you leave)
Natalie | April 12, 2010 at 3:58 PM
This comment should probably be about Eliot, but really I just wanted to comment on how rockin' your beard is, Matt! Nice!
I'll call you soon, Meliss!!
The Heitritter Family | April 18, 2010 at 5:56 PM
That picture of Elliot with the Easter basket is the greatest picture ever. Love it!