The Birthday Shenanigans

So, for grandmas and grandpas not around to see the big March 4, we wanted to give a little more insight as to how Elli's big one year came to pass!

First thing in the morning Elliot found her presents, from persons hear and far.

Skyping with Grandy and Grampy - you can see them in the screen!

Ready for her dinner of homemade mac'n'cheese with strawberries on the side. That's our one-year-old eater!

Not sure what she thought about her birthday Jello Aquarium.

We thought it was pretty cool, (even though it turned out a little darker than we thought. Oh well!)

Eventually Elliot figured out how to enjoy her first, real, sugary experience.

Of course, everyone hits their sugar coma at some point.

All in all Elliot got some sweet loot, got lots of photos taken of her, and seemed to enjoy her anniversary of her birth. Sweet girl!