Get Ready For the World's Longest Entry Part II...

After Phil and Heather left, we had some more visitors in the form of an aunt, a cousin, a mom and a dad. The good times never cease, especially when you start putting Terrill's and McIntosh's under the same roof!

Matt and I slurp on a delicious tropical smoothie...Melissa is just glad she is no longer has to sell and instead has them provided by kind in-laws!!

That good looking guy wasn't too responsive, but at least he smiled for the picture...

Awwww...we of course had to take family to the famous "turtle beach," a.k.a. Laniakea, to see all the adorable little honus basking in the sun.

King and queen in the game of life.

We have some mad climbing skills now that we have to sustain ourselves on nothing but pineapple and coconut...(no matter the tree was about six feet tall and Melissa was pretty sure she pulled a muscle trying not fall the two feet she was up).

Little monkey...

We found a lovely little exclusive got Bill and Cheryl all in a mushy mood.

Bill loved our delicious turkey feast (not sure if it equaled or was better than the USC game for him...tough call).

The lovely chefs for the day!

Ow, ow, ow....Matt's gettin' a little action there...