Here are some things I found, on a reef in Kahuku, the second day of searching tide pools. I thought the slug was especially cool looking, and not nearly as slimy as I thought a sea slug would be. Actually, it was kind of soft. (I found out later that they ink...I guess it could have squirted me. That second picture is a slug, and the stringy, purple stuff is its ink. You can click on the picture to make it bigger.)
Pretty plants (above). Crazy crab (below)!
I did not find this guy...some girls in my class did. He was pretty cool though, and he inked all over the kid who picked him really is jet-black stuff!
The poor thing in a bucket...not a happy octopus!
Pretty plants (above). Crazy crab (below)!
I did not find this guy...some girls in my class did. He was pretty cool though, and he inked all over the kid who picked him really is jet-black stuff!
The poor thing in a bucket...not a happy octopus!
M Mod | May 12, 2008 at 3:25 PM
Wow, so cool. I guess Marine Biology would be pretty interesting when it's so hands on. Love your Senor Frog pics.