The Melificent

I know I am going a little unorthodox with my posting and whatnot by going drastically out of chronological order... but I just wanted to pay a little tribute to the best, smartest girl I know. Last weekend (seems like years ago now) Melissa walked for her bachelors degree from BYU-H. I am so happy that Melissa was able to complete this goal of hers, especially after working so hard to achieve it. I have to say that I have enjoyed her degree about as much as she has (maybe more) because of the field trips and her always sharing interesting tidbits of knowledge. When I met Melissa I thought my life was good, but it just keeps getting better and better. And now we are moving on to the next stage of our life (whatever that is...?) and I am excited to see what will happen...

Love you Melissa!

Keep posted for more in-depth coverage of fieldtrips, graduation, Kaui, and our subsequent move to California. Each event will be updated and posted at our latest convenience.