Guess the title could be about this post, or about the subject matter. We finally had the opportunity back in November to celebrate our anniversary, which was way back in August! Judelliott still had Melissa puking for our actual anniversary date, so we postponed a trip until Matt had a free weekend. We set out for Vegas on November 21st and stayed there until the morning of the 24th.
Day 1
Our first adventures really started on the 22nd. During the day we checked out some of the fancy hotels around us. We stayed at The Imperial Palace, which is pretty much the rat-hole of the area, but even still we are not picky and thought the room was just fine. However, when you saw Ceasar's Palace right across the way the comparison was pretty funny. Then again, at the Imperial Palace Matt was not forced to sensor the decor!
Our pinnacle event for the trip was supposed to be seeing The Beatles LOVE, by Cirque du Soleil. Before the show we checked out the Mirage, where the LOVE theatre is, and we took pictures before mobs of lines formed to get in. Turned out to be a smart idea!
Day 2
After going to church we came back to the strip and checked out the Bellagio. That hotel is so crazy! They have so much going on, but the coolest is their conservatory that they change for every season. We loved the fall get-up that they had going...
Another amazing feature in the Bellagio was their candy store! Holy cow! They had chocolate fountains, the most gorgeous pastries you've ever seen, candy that made you drool just looking at it, and even treats for the kiddies. Unfortunately everything in the store cost almost as much as getting to see LOVE, so we just enjoyed "eye candy," (no pun intended).
No trip to Vegas is complete unless you attend a buffet. We chose the Paris for its breakfast since Matt remembered their food being delicious and in the morning it's way cheaper. Not only did we get breakfast, but since we arrived so late we got to eat the last 15min or so of their morning fair, then we skipped right on through to lunch, which is usually twice the cost! Stuffing yourself at an all-you-can eat is always better when you know you beat the system!
For most of the day we walked, and walked, trying to see what else there was to see. Outside of the Paris they had a crazy "kool-aid" fountain...well, that's what we called it.
New York, New York!
Had to stop by and see the lions at the MGM.
If we had not gone to the M&M factory it just would not have been right considering it is named after us!
Finally our last big to-do was that night when we saw the Blue Man Group. This was not in our original plans, but we checked out this half-price ticket company that sells tickets for the current day's show. Since we knew we most likely won't be going back to Vegas any time soon, (four days is plenty to see it all when you do not gamble), we said, "Hey, why not?" We are SO GLAD we made our spontaneous choice...that show is so hilarious! There is no way to describe it all, but their humor was exactly up our alley, and we both laughed so hard Matt almost went into labor! Seriously, great, great entertainment and we would pay full price to go see it again, (though half price is, obviously, just that much better)!
Next day we headed home, still laughing and very glad for our time spent!
Billy and Katie | December 16, 2009 at 9:27 PM
Glad you guys had fun! Told you that the Bellagio was full of incredible things! You should see the river of cranberries during December.
the man | December 17, 2009 at 1:53 PM
So fun.. but why is matt touching that little boy there? haha! cracks me up! :)
Phillips Family | January 14, 2010 at 11:38 AM
Dude, Matty, you probably don't really remember me very well, but this is Adam. You lived on my couch for a while one summer and we made a great trip down to Vegas. I think I introduced you to the Paris. Anyway, great to see you guys doing so well, and congratulations on your new baby.