Elliot Marjorie Born on Thursday, March 4, 2010
7lbs 12oz
20.25in Long
Perfect As Can Be!
So, we kept meaning to post this sooner, and we've taken more pictures since our beautiful girl has come home. However, we wanted everyone to meet our gorgeous girl that we are so in love with and completely smitten by!
Here is her just moments after her arrival into the world! Already so beautiful!
As soon as she passed the APGAR with flying colors it was back in the happiest-mom-in-the-world's arms!
The first day Elliot got to meet Grammy, a whole bunch of friends, Aunt Katie, and Grandma and Grandpa M. (We'd put all the pictures up but like we said...we're still trying to get them all together). She is so blessed to be born with such a great group of people around her, and we appreciated all the support and company!
We ended up staying an extra day in the hospital, but that's ok. Daddy loved holding his new baby girl no matter where we were!
The new, little family!
And the all important, "Going Home Outfit." We wanted to make sure our little girl is brought up right and knows what is important! :) We finally went home on Saturday, the 6th. It feels so good to be here now!
Like we said, there will be more pictures to come and we'll divulge the whole story of how Elliot came into the world and all that. For now it is time for Elliot's parents to recover from last night! Stay tuned!
Virginia | March 8, 2010 at 6:32 AM
Congratulations Melissa and Matt! She's beautiful!! Congratulations to you too, Elliot- You have fantastic parents!
the man | March 8, 2010 at 9:00 AM
Can't wait to see her again... love the beatles wear, eevn though I do'nt love the beatles...
The Heitritter Family | March 8, 2010 at 9:46 AM
Congratulations! She is so beautiful. I couldn't be happier for you two! Sorry to blog stalk, but they announced Elliott's birth at church and I had to see her for myself! I love the name! Are you guys Scrubs fans?
The Winkelman's | March 8, 2010 at 2:41 PM
Congrats M & M!!!! And welcome little Elliot! We would love to come by and see her.... as long as you guys are okay with visitors. She is such a sweet and beautiful baby girl and I LOVE the Beatles gear! And Jason, you're crazy. The Beatles are amazing. :)
M Mod | March 8, 2010 at 2:44 PM
Holy smokes! I don't even know you were preggers, Melissa. Thank goodness I saw someone's comment on Facebook or I'd have continued in my ignorance. Congrats you two. She is beautiful and I'm sure you'll be awesome parents!
Angie Peterson | March 9, 2010 at 7:50 AM
Congrats to you both, she's a cutie pie!
Amber Horspool | March 9, 2010 at 8:12 AM
She's absolutely gorgeous!!! Can't wait to meet her:) Hope you're recovering well Melissa!
Hamers | March 9, 2010 at 7:52 PM
You guys look like you need rest! Congratulations!
Phillips Family | March 10, 2010 at 9:00 AM
She looks great!! Happy to see she made it safely. Did you get her name from Scrubs? And it is still weird to see Matt without a cast. he will forever have a cast on his arm in my book.
Lisa | March 12, 2010 at 6:27 AM
Congrats on your healthy baby girl. Thanks for posting pictures!