The dress...
...and the matching headband.
The side/back of the dress. You can barely see the really cute buttons I used! The first time I put the dress on her I thought it didn't fit. This time though it worked just fine. Either I'm crazy or Elliot was pooching her belly out the first time just to drive me insane!
And this picture is just because our girl is so cute and can make the most awesome faces. I love this girl. (Obviously...nobody else could get me to spend so many hours at a sewing machine!)
Now we got the dress, we just need the occasion! I guess it's coming right up, which in and of itself is amazing...Elliot will be four months old!
How in the gravy did that happen?
heather | June 24, 2010 at 10:56 AM
That turned out so cute! Look at you being all crafty and what not. Love it!
Aub | June 24, 2010 at 3:55 PM
so cute! she is getting bigger so fast! even since the last post!
Lisa | June 24, 2010 at 3:58 PM
Wow! You made that dress without a pattern or anything? That's pretty awesome!
Billy and Katie | June 24, 2010 at 6:06 PM
You should call it the "firecracker" dress! Way cute. Her lips are too funny in the last picture.
M and M | June 25, 2010 at 8:33 AM
Thanks everyone for indulging me! :) I think the fact that Elliot is so cute makes the dress a little better than it really is!