Sophie likes him!
Luckily Mu didn't meet this guy face-to-face, but he was in the yard next door!
The next set of guests to meet Mu were furrier. This is Mikey the ferret...
...and Larry the half-dog. We have been watching the duo for Chris and Robin, (Matt's cousins). It's 7 to 2 now...pets are outnumbering those of us trying to care for them. We have officially become a petting zoo!
heather | May 20, 2009 at 8:21 AM
Ohhh that puppy is so cute! But oh WOW that is a lot of animals! How is your new carpet holding up?
The Heitritter Family | June 21, 2009 at 7:36 PM
So now that the cat is out of the bag that I have stopped by your blog, I thought I would officially comment to tell you that you did a wonderful job today in Sacrament meeting and we really appreciate you and your piano skills! Nursery has been in turmoil for the past few months so I feel like I haven't been around to get to know you or support you like I should. Hopefully that will change soon! It was nice to talk to you today!